that was badass dude, you've really got yourself something there. keep it going i can see it getting very popular.
Let's Player, Animator, Voice Actor, Script Writer, Musician, Local Baker, Priest, Fireman Sam.... Nuff said ;)
Age 32, Male
Animator / Designer
Solihull (UK)
Joined on 2/1/06
that was badass dude, you've really got yourself something there. keep it going i can see it getting very popular.
lol glad ya liked it :D god I just found the old practise drawings for comix characters xP Gordon has a gotee, and Ian has a bit of a quiff on his chin :O lol anyway, glad to see you have an awesome interest in this movie, and I shall try and make the next episode better :D
NANO! =3
rofl xP I love that line :)
dang Will u work too fast =O ima watch it right now and bug ya about it in msn
lol ok then xP ye I do work a bit too fast xP, this next one might take longer because it probably is longer, but ye Ill be sure to have it finished as soon as possible :P
Haha! I actually like this series a little. it's a little bizarre and freaky, but I think it has a cool atmosphere and stuff. I think it's going to turn out great.
Hahahaa!!! Another great work!!! I loved it, and i think it was better than the first one!!! :) Now they had a super gun who shooted everyone and said sometin after it!
And that cube-thing part (with the hearts...) were funny! And i cant belive that you just made this in only a couple of days! Man, you are working fast!!! Very fast!!! XD
I woted 10 and its in my favorites list!!! ;) Great work!!! Good luck with the next one!
-Benjamin- :D < First comment!! Yay!!!>
lol glad ya liked it :) wow, didn't think you loved it THAT much :O I can tell this series is gonna be great! I just hope the NEXT one will also be good :D I am working on it now :D anyway, glad you appreciate this cartoon so much dude!!!
PS: gummi bear for oo!