Hi everyone! Ok, Update time! you're probably wondering why this episode is taking much longer to do. Well, recently I've had serious Writers Block, basically meaning I have had no idea what to write or haven't had an idea for something to happen in ComiX 3! But fortunately I am fine again, and I have gotten half way through the scripting of ComiX 3. I have reanimated the ComiX title sequence a bit so I can add Brian and Sarah into the titles, and I think they've come out pretty well :P
On a side note to ComiX, I have been thinking of bringing back the 2 old series I made. Will + Co and N.H.I.H. They've been in my mind for ages, and I have sort of been wondering when i will ever get back to it. So straight after ComiX 3, I am going to either start on Will + Co again, or N.H.I.H. which means redrawing the characters for Will + Co, and brushing up on voices for N.H.I.H, but Im prepared for that. after an episode of that and N.H.I.H is finished i shall get on with ComiX 4! they may not be as successful as ComiX, but they're somethings i like to script voice and animate for, and I've always loved that experience. So ye...
Also, people have been asking me when the hell I'm gonna make like a Wii song or a 360 song. Well I'm saying this to you.... you'll get one! but you'll have to be pretty damn patient, as you know I've got other things to be working on at the moment. but just to let yu know as well, the 360 song or wii song will be made by me! Although I'm still not certain about it, because I know that fanboys will come up to me and bitch about it, and I hardly think it;s worth the trouble. But what do you guys think? Should I just do it anyway? Please comment back on suggestions!
Anyway, back to ComiX Episode Three! I can quickly tell you what this episode is about:
Gordon Goes through a phase of depression when he only just finds out that Cornel Sanders (the guy who created KFC) died years ago. Ian and Sarah both suggest Gordon goes to Rehab to get his life together, and perhaps Brian may want one. There will be a Mario reference, Sopranos reference and a Bioshock reference! Should be fun to animate, as all these people have problems just like Gordon.
OH YE! and just for the fun of it I decided to make Gordon Dance a bit! here's a little preview:
Hope ya like :P
Also here's a game demo I have started xP
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
they have the same face
that's cus they have the same emotion xP