hey dudes :P just a quick update on how I'm doing on ComiX :P I've already finished the script and voices for ComiX 3, and have now started animating the first section :P See? Much easier when you're just working with Gordon and Ian. Don't get me wrong it's still pretty easy to work with Brian and Ged, but still I get more things done when it's just gordon and ian in a shorter time :) Anyway, here's a picture of how it's looking so far and tell me what a think of both versions :)
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
A Pink Dress......
I wonder what is in store for this exciting episode.
rofl it's nothing really, you only see him in that for like 3-4 seconds, it doesn't reveal a plot really xP
but which one do you think looks better, top or bottom?