Hey guys. just an update to tell you that ComiX Episode Three will be out on either Sunday or Monday. Should be finished soon. I have to warn you, it isn't AS LONG as the other episodes, but should still give you some minuites of laughter... I hope...
Anyway, I would definately say that the next episode could be better than this one, as I was just thinking of WoW at the top of my head, and in some places it can be a bit boring, but I Guess that's for you to see and to judge. Personally I think the reason why I don't think it's funny is because I've heard the same sounds for pretty long, but from what I've heard from people who have seen it so far, the response on newgrounds should be pretty good.
I must also warn you that the WoW sketches are actually recorded footage from WoW. so yeah...
In some places, a tad bit boring, but in some places it will have you laughing :) so watch out for ComiX Episode Three on NewGrounds shortly :P
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
I sure hope so...