Hey all, ok, I'm taking a break from animating, to make a game series!
this game is called "Dark Destiny" and basically evolves around an innocent male / female (you decide) by the name of "you decide what their name is" (oh you can decide the voice that they have) who has been captured and been put into a dungeon, where souls are fed to a dragon which (with enough souls) could destroy the entire world. luckily you have the power of "YOU DECIDE OUT OF WHAT THREE POWERS THERE IS TO CHOOSE FROM!" and depending on that power, you use them to get your way out of the dungeon, and make it to your home. little do you know but strange things have been happening whilst you've gone, and it's up to you to restore the world to it's harmony which it had.
The problem is I don't know a lot of action script, so I need serious help with programming. does anybody know a lot about action script, so they can help me out. it would be greatly appreciated, and you will be co-authored, and whatever money is earned from this, we split half :D HELP WOULD BE VERY APPRECIATED, THANK YOU!
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
i dnt have any action scripts but u should as the guy who made sonny or the guy micael swain who made mastermind to help
I know who michael swain is, duh xP and I thought I edited this news post :O what the hell?!