Let's Player, Animator, Voice Actor, Script Writer, Musician, Local Baker, Priest, Fireman Sam.... Nuff said ;)

Will Ryan @DAGamesOfficial

Age 32, Male

Animator / Designer

Solihull (UK)

Joined on 2/1/06

Exp Points:
1,570 / 1,600
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Vote Power:
5.45 votes
Town Watch
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B/P Bonus:
6y 8m 23d

New game in progress, and tons more!

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - November 3rd, 2008

Hey everyone! Ok, got a lot to update on once again!

firstly, ComiX. I released a new Halloween cartoon of ComiX about a week ago! Go check it out here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

*EDIT* ok, here i go again with the stupid "I phrased it wrong" scenario. Jesus christ why does it always have to be like this. I keep phrasing stuff wrong, then people take the piss. Im sorry people, but I am a pathetic asshole, ok? jesus christ, ok I 'll admit what I said was wrong about the score, ok? I am stupid, Im fucking DUMB. just some people wudn't notice somebody who dusnt realise a lot cus of his 20% of autism. I am an idiot, and you can fucking Pm me bady for all I care, cus right now I'm pissed off >_< *EDIT*

Secondly, A new game is in the making! This game is called "Dark Destiny" and basically evolves around an innocent male / female (you decide) by the name of "you decide what their name is" who has been captured and been put into a dungeon, where souls are fed to a dragon which (with enough souls) could destroy the entire world. luckily you have the power of "YOU DECIDE OUT OF WHAT THREE POWERS THERE IS TO CHOOSE FROM!" and depending on that power, you use them to get your way out of the dungeon, and make it to your home. little do you know but strange things have been happening whilst you've gone, and it's up to you to restore the world to it's harmony which it had. I WAS gonna add the feature of letting you choose your own voice, but I don't know how to do that so could somebody please help me out with that, so i can add that feature in "Dark destiny 2" if it ever happens! I have one coder with me "Davidzx" and the second coder is unknown yet as we havent chosen that yet, but if you get chosen, you will be co-authored, credited, and if we get any money from this, it all gets split up between us :D I need a coder who can do a pokemon / zelda interface (where you move up down left or right) and I need somebody who can do a good final fantasy style battle interface, so if you're good at that, PM me your demo, or add me on MSN at diamondarmada2008@hotmail.com or on skype: diamond-armada :D

ok, thirdly, Youtube videos :D I have been putting up quite a few youtube vids onto youtube, one is not my own creation, I just made a video with the song in, and the others are my own :D you can check them out at the bottom of this page!

Fourthly, my website is being modified again! Yeah people keep telling me "I THOUGHT YOU QUIT FLASH!!!" technically I was lying, but come on, this is why I say "KEEP UPDATED!" so people keep UPDATED on what's going on (even if its on a different website like this website). but yeah anyway it's getting a new design, and should be pretty decent :P

Fithly, my band! Well, we were tired of calling ourselves "Land of Hell" so we thought of something simpler with more meaning, "Colony". Meaning a colony of fans, a colony of music, a colony of albums, a colony of succession, etc. Our first album is now named "Devilution" and will probably be out in summer 2009. to check out our myspace, go to http://www.myspace.com/colonyofficial now!

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan

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But I poop from there.

yeah, i poop when im depressed.

a game? shweet
oh, and i love the halloween special

yeah been planning on it for quite a while, and its all coming into order now :D and im glad ya like the halloween cartoon :P

haha whup!!!

lol :D you cheer me up. but not enough today man.

"<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /</a>
466429 don't mind about why it's 3.86 out of 5, it's just people have been blamming it for no apparent reason. which is what Im gonna move onto next! WHY DOES IT KEEP GING SO LOW?! SOMEBODY BETTER PUT THEIR HAND FORTH AND TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!! I think I have an idea why. I think I posted it on lock day, and now somebody from lock day is now concentrating on blamming that. PLEASE VOTE IT BACK UP AGAIN! originally it was 4.20, then the next day went down to 3.96 when it got its award, and now it's 3.68, so please get it back up. thank you."


oh wow

you've become Legendary Frog 2.0

whining because people gave your film an honest score it deserves and not an inflated one.

well done sir. i tip my hat to you.

yeah, ur talking to fucking wierdo here who knows nothing. Im sorry man, but I am fucking dumb. you've pointed that out so many fucking times, and now theres, no point anymore. I've fucked up INCREDIBLY big time. so yeah, you can now call me what you want, cus I ain't ever posting here again, it'll probably keep my fucking stupidity out of your hair forever.

But Lock Day was a few months ago, wasn't it?

not that I know of. I remember a news post about it a few days before i posted it up, Im not sure.

I played that game with a friend.
I lost after about four or five seconds.
Got any strategy tips?

what game? I dont remember making a game, probably cus I havent made a decent thing in ages, turns out Im a fraud according to a lot of people.

you have to be the most british most incredibly awesome dude in ng


lol thanx man, appreciate it! I really do. but I dont think that way right now

awesome cant wait for the game and system of a pingas is awesome!!

than man, appreciate it :D i wish I fealt that way right now, but once again I made a fool of myself on newgrounds, I fucked up big time.

hhHUP! Sorry, I bet it's hard to hear text. If I could I would go hhHUP!

yess, hhHUP to you too! :P lol

but seriously, i think I'll give up. I've made a rats ass of myself on this post, so yeah, I cant be cheered up now.

Cock joke.

hehe, funny... i feel like that right now

jesus christ that first video is disturbing

lol well it isn't exactly the best thing you wanna hear in a conpetition, just random people going hhHUP all the time, but meh we tried xP

but also hilarious >: D

lol YEAH!

Gasp, and after watching Comix Halloween a couple of times, I think it actually deserved a full 10. So, good luck on the game, I was slapping my face whenever I went to your website which has the 'Voice actor with a smile' thing, and finally you changed your band name to something not involving going to hell when you die D:

lol xP thanx man and yeah I hope I can get the game done soon :D

I have to say 4.20 is a pretty great score usually only reserved for the greatest of cartoons. I hope I'm not out of place by saying that a lower score may have been more appropriate to the actual cartoon that you had submitted?

Let's face it: Waterlollies has a score of around 4.30 - do you really put yourself on the same pedestal?

Springer's Final Thought:

It must be great to have enough fans who are willing to vote high on your cartoons and give you a great score but there is a danger that their generosity can offer false hope.

Once the cartoon has been viewed and voted on by people who are not necessarily your fans it should come as no surprise that the score will become greatly compromised!

4.20 down-voted to 3.68?

In this situation one must ask oneself this: If I had not made this cartoon and I was watching it as the work of someone else which score would I feel was more appropriate?

Until next time, take care of yourself...

...and each other!

point taken man. yeah what was I fucking thinking. I am probably the most dumbest person on newgrounds to date. and now I've make a total prick of myself. I probably shouldnt even bother with front page posting again, just makes me look like a twat.

deletin comments that call you out for what you really are I see.

ahem, no. I havent actually deleted ANY yet, mr. jump to colclusion

sorry about the whole 'being really overatted and not being happy with a good score' thing.

its ok :)

newgrounds scores

serious business


I miss your old avatar.

the one that showed how your art evolved

first ripping off invader zim
than anime
and then fairly odd parents

shows how little you care about your own art
especially when you're whining like a crybaby on your blog because your decent cartoon got a decent score and not a GODLY score

when you can animate without using 10000 motion tweens, THEN you can cry when your film doesnt get 4.20

Ill disagree that I ripped off those things, cus I didnt. but i see what ya mean now by the scoring. I am just a fucking fraud, Im useless, and your right about this review. so yeah call me what ya want, I dont care anymore.

you feel bad because your film went from a 4.20 to a 3.89?

wow SOMEONE certainly has a high opinion of himself.

get rid of the ego.

this is newgrounds not your moms refrigerator. not everything you submit going to be fawned over and stuck to the door with a magnet.

go eat some humble pie.

there's authors here who actually can draw and cant get 3.80+

grow up bro

ur not my fucking bro, I suck, ok? I'm a fucking idiot. angry PM me all you want, but I cant help it ok?

you've been here since 06 and still think the score of a cartoon matters on this site?

so you only make cartoons to get high scores and awards? you're a sellout basically?

yeah thanx man, I am a fucked up piece of shit. go ahead, do what you want, ok? cus the way I see it, you deserve to call me it, Im dumb.

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