Hey everyone! Thought I'd let the word out that I posted a new cartoon up quite a bit ago, you can check it out here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
472480 Vote 5, and Let's try and get it an award!
Also, a new cartoon will be coming up shortly. "Is That... Pacman?!" is in the making, and hopefully should be out within a week. so check out that soon!
Finally, ComiX christmas is a possibility, depends on how much time I've got left, and if I can think of any ideas in which I don't turn lazy half way through and end up shortening it out. but yeah, ComiX christmas is a POSSIBILITY, not a definate yes.
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan
i've never seen a mario and luigi get old flash hahahahaha that's funny@@!!
lol thanx man, appreciatingz :P