hey people. I havent posted anything to newgrounds in a loooong tine, so I better bring it out.
I have decided to quit animating for now. and this is definate, Im not going to do what I did last time where I said I quit but carried on animating, no this is real. everytime I draw it's the same thing, and I can never think of ANYTHING. and when I think of a good idea, it's good for 5 seconds, but then I don't wanna do it anymore. I'm sure many of you have also had this problem, and it's fucking insane. I REALLY want to get working on ComiX, but again I have an idea, then it goes away, I don't know if it's the area I'm working in or if I'm feeling comfertable with animating, but I definately don't feel comfertable animating anymore. I don't know what's going to happen , but it's probably going to be a VERY long break.
However, if there is an oppertunity for a collab to join, then I'll join, such as the street fighters collab, I want to make something for that. That might be the last cartoon I will do in a LONG time, but we'll see. It'll probably mean coming back in 2010, may not, only the future can tell.
But, this gives me a chance to work on my band. in the time I haven't been around newgrounds, I've been recording songs for our band. you can check some of the new stuff at http://www.myspace.com/colonyofficial and enjoy :D The albu is almost finished, and really to be sold on the internet (yeah we're not that big) and in schools. The album is called "The Sky" and should include 10 songs :P
Anyway, animation wise, no more until a loong time, unless I finally think of an idea and get back to it.
but, voice acting is now open! Seen as though I'm not animating for a long time, I might as well do what I did quite a while back, do voices for people. I have had many requests, and I still need to do a lot of voices for people, but Im ready to do voices for anybody :P just PM me or add me on MSN at diamond-armada@hotmail.co.uk or skype: diamond-armada :)
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
Ima sad noow D: