Hey everyone! just thought i'd update with a little advertisement for a playthrough season me and a couple of local friends have thought up. created by Chris Simpson (burntsnow7) he picks 1 person to do a certain game, and they both play through it, and publish onto youtube for your entertainment. I'm doing crash twinsanity, Alex Mercer (Redxb2) is doing alone in the dark, Abbie Bowes (zeonix) is doing Star Ocean 3, and Connor (sixfootbeachgod) is doing rogue galaxy. and Patrick Simpson (xatticusbex) who will be doing ratchet and clank!
You can find our playthroughs here: http://www.youtube.com/burntsnow7 Crash twinsanity part 1 has JUST been uploaded to youtube now, so go check it out now :D or if your too lazy to go onto the profile for that, heres a youtube vid!
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Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
Oh hey.