Hi everyone! I am so f***in happy right now. Why? Because my latest cartoon made it to the front page! Lol check the comment beside the picture, its absolutely true! I'd just like to thank Tom Fulp, Wade Fulp,everyone at newgrounds and to everybody who watched it! Without you all, this wouldnt have been successful! I am hoping tomake more videos like this. But its not ALWAYS gonna be about the PS3, cus Im not JUST against it, infact theres a few points about the 360 being stupid, and the wii with its... welll... Im not sure really.. xP Anyway Im really glad you enjoyed this cartoon and there shall be more soon!
keep updated o0 Will Ryan
ya fuck the ps3! i got one and i only played it once and that was wen my pc broke and all i had was god of war2, there controllers suck ass for a fps anyway and the only game i look foreward to ever play on that is metalgear solid 4 but where the fuck is it, and assassins creed sssttttttttttupid sony should be organized with release dates witht here games.