Let's Player, Animator, Voice Actor, Script Writer, Musician, Local Baker, Priest, Fireman Sam.... Nuff said ;)

Will Ryan @DAGamesOfficial

Age 32, Male

Animator / Designer

Solihull (UK)

Joined on 2/1/06

Exp Points:
1,570 / 1,600
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5.45 votes
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DAGamesOfficial's News

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - February 17th, 2014

Hey once again NewGrounders, there are two new episodes out of my new Let's Play series "DAGames". Here's the videos below!  


Please LIke, Share and Subscribe for more awesomeness, you'd be doing an old man a world of honor! ;)


Posted by DAGamesOfficial - February 9th, 2014

Hello Newgrounders! As you may be aware of my last post, I have a new Let's Play series started up, and now the third episode is online for your viewing pleasure! Here's the video, and that's that ;)

Hope you enjoy, and if you could please like subcribe and share this channel with your friend, it'd really be appreciated ;) Stay tuned for more awesomeness ;)

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - January 24th, 2014

Hey NewGrounds, how've ya been? Good? Good, for you see, I am also doing good, Do you wanna know why? Shut up I'm getting there! I have a new Let's Play series started up, known as "DAGames". Currently, two episodes are up and running, kicking off this series with a very well known game that we've all become acustomed to... Super Mario 3D World! Here's the two episodes so far:

  This is the start of a new LP series and hope that you can like, subscribe, share with your family, your friends, your dog, give the guy some love for trying folks <:) As usual I will continue to upload videos as regularly as I can, however work schedule is a pain in the tits, and I have a Dell Laptop, so again I will TRY to upload more frequently, but for now, two episode of the great game Super Mario 3D World are now online, and hope you can enjoy! Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - June 22nd, 2013

Hey you gaaahs! Okay i know a lot of people were wondering when the next ComiX episode part is coming out. Well to tie you on, give you an idea of the new styles in animation, and the humor changes, a trailer is now released for the next part! Here's the link:


I hope you guys can enjoy it, and please share this amongst your friends, your family, your dog, and get this cartoon the oomph it deserves!

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - June 4th, 2013

Hey fellow NewGrounders.... Boy have I got a lot to say...

I've had a big chance to take a step back from what I have been doing recently with my life, and my creations... I've had a chance to think about what's important in my life, and what I need to stick to... I found myself with these:

1. Family. Biggest responsibility I have ever been given. I have a fioncee who loves me to pieces, and I have a daughter who's growing and growing with aspirations to be the greatest achievement in the entire world for me...

2. Diamond Armada... Since the beginning of my art in 2002, I have spent at least 11 years working on things that have had it's ups and downs, but took itself to be an incredible standing point. When I took on the role of a family man, I lost many many people who got me so far in the world of the internet, and with every step I take for another chance at this life, I seem to stumble with the biggest consequence being that nobody really cares anymore... THIS is still something I am focusing my hard work on, and only wish to make it a much bigger achievement than I ever have done for the internet.

3. Onyx Colony... This is one of my favorites, since look at where this band has gotten to, it's been featured in Eddsworld, Eddie Bowley's "Iron Man", Tomska's projects, and even Bing! New songs are coming out of my brain every day, and because I've lost so much of that technology, things have been limited, and that's effecting the writing process at the same time... Nevertheless, this is a project that I still hold to me dear, and would never be able to do the stuff I do without the help of my fellow band mates, Liam Ledger, Joshua Speight, and Danneh Parkinson... Again some of my closest friends... This thing is becoming an achievement with every stride of patience and blood we input, and will not be going away anytime soon.

..... So where's the time in all of this... I have a family that needs me, I have a channel that needs attention, I have a band that needs to play more... So where am I finding this time?... Well to be fair I'm simply just not doing anything. I'm a stay at home type of guy, I haven't got a job to my name, I'm on the benefits, and all I have to rely on is my future... In this sense I also do need a job on the side, and that comes with patience, but at the end of the day I want to reach out to those that really gave me a boost in the past, and to only aspire to what my idols do the most... and that's make people laugh for a living. It's the biggest dream I could ever have, and rest assured my work is not gonna die out so easily... So what's my plan? Welp, a numerous amount of things:

1. Be there for my family when they need me
2. Concentrate on evolving with my work, instead of relying on old habits. Starting from the bottom and bringing myself back up with a better design pallet,
3. Focus on the music our band makes, and bring this to the hearts of many metal heads!

I'm sorry for this huge paragraph, but last night I had to take a look back on what I've got. Lately I've dug myself into a hole, thinking what I'm doing is perfectly fine, but with many many things going on in my life, It's began to puzzle me... Last night was a big chance to think about myself, and be happy for a change... And the time is now!

Thanks for reading, o0 Will Ryan 0o

PS: ComiX Episode One Part Two trailer is on the works, so expect this to be out sometime at the end of June.

Thought I'd take a step  back...

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - February 11th, 2013

Hello one and all! Well, it;s been a while working on this (It really shouldn't have been a while since even though this is the hardest one I've done, it should be generally easy to do), but the next in the Reality series is now online... Introducing "Skype Reality"

Skype Reality

I know it's not a Pokemon cartoon, or a Game Grumps cartoon, but honestly?... Just no... Anyway, here's a take on the widely recognized Chat and call system "Skype" :D Special thanks to Alison Bowley (Wife to Eddie Bowley from Eddache, DUUH), for providing the girl voice in the cartoon :)

Keep Updated! o0 WIll Ryan

Skype Reality Now Online!

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - January 14th, 2013

Hello NewGrounds. Now, Usually I'm known for animation, voice acting, creating music, and once had fame with certain things like FaceBook Reality, ComiX Series, iPad VS Motorola Xoom, and regretibly The PS3 Song. Well for once I'm not doing that, and instead I have devoted a little bit of my time taking part in Let's Plays with a good friend of mine from the local area named Chris Brown. This Be His Channel.

So to the point, these Lets Plays are running commentaries of the amazing game, Rayman Origins. and as much as there is now five episodes out there, I appear in the fifth episode and five more afterwards. As I say my good friends channel is linked above, but below is the Lets Play that I have featured myself in.


In other news I have been working on a bunch of scripts to span out till 2013, and these are so far the named scripts:

1. Skype Reality
2. ComiX Episode Two Part Two
3. The Dark Knight - You've Got Something On Your Mouth
4. iPad VS Nexus
5. YouTube Reality

Again, these can be debated, but these WILL be projects that run throughout 2013 :)

Going back to the iPad VS Nexus cartoon. Before I upload this, I have to say that I love both sides, and I also know opinions matter on the internet, so I've decided to let you guys vote for who wins in this cartoon. Will it be the iPad, or the Nexus Squad? A picture is palced at the bottom to advertise, please leave your comments and the votes will be tallied. Both sides of the script have been made so I guess it doesn't matter who wins, but it'd be nice to see what the final outcome could be :)

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - November 19th, 2012

Hello beautiful people of NewGrounds, lend me your penises!

For those who have been following the ComiX series recently, Episode One Part One is now officially online! These are to be spread out between two different parts. For those who are wondering why these are in two parts, here's the breakdown:

1. My facilities do not have the ability to go past one minute without crashing, and as such this was stretched to it's pressure point making it 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

2. My mac was stolen. I got robbed of more than just my mac in the house, however because of this I am having to submit what I have so far so I don't keep you waiting, and so I can sit back and worry about getting a new one so I can once again continue part 2.

So, without further hesitation, here's the link! ComiX Episode One Part One

Also if you notice within the beginning of this clip, Diamond Armada's theme has changed. Well seen as though everything has been lost, there's no better way to get over your loss than to just simply start again. The image of the logo will appear at the bottom of this thread.

That's all I need to update with, so thanks for taking the time to listen to my words, and as for you.... you can have your penises back.

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

ComiX Episode One Part One Now Online

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - May 29th, 2012

Sup guys! the new ComiX Tad Short Episode One cartoon is now online. Go check it out at this link:

ComiX Tad Short One

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - April 27th, 2012

Sup guys! Go and check out the new Diamond Armada Online YouTube page, newly designed, and now gaining monetization :3
DiamondArmadaOnline's YouTube Channel

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Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o