Let's Player, Animator, Voice Actor, Script Writer, Musician, Local Baker, Priest, Fireman Sam.... Nuff said ;)

Will Ryan @DAGamesOfficial

Age 32, Male

Animator / Designer

Solihull (UK)

Joined on 2/1/06

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yeah I dont have much of a problem with the awesome series, but I have a problem with people generalizing about it.

awesome to know you agree as well :P

You're just stereo-typing. Asshole.

lol you gotta think about it for a second though... how does left 4 speed... look like egoraptors work?... you name me one way on how it is, and I willb e surprised if I cant correct it.

and further more, by "EVERYTHING BY EGORAPTOR" its an exagurated figure of speech, doesnt mean EVERYTHING is like egoraptors work... now THAT would be wrong.


Joker_usually_smiles_thats_not_ri ght.jpg

lawlz.... video game parodies accused of being unoriginal

well they arent original, they take an existing game and parodize it,is that a bad thing? no not really. But generalizing the cartoon to be a rip off of another guys work REALLY pisses me off xP is that a good thing? no cus I end up bursting a blood vessel in my brain :S

Its true that oney has a different side of humor. If you have ever seen his random day videos, then you would know. Too bad you gave up on your L4D spoof. :(

right on man. and hey I havent totally given up on it, Im putting it on hold. Im on a huge break and I cant think of anything for the next part of it, but I aint giving up on it, nonono.

i think it looks like egoraptor cause his calling card is the extremist reactions the characters make.. its not so much the actual 'look' of the characters but the fact that the character has really blown out of proportion reactions to things. That is an 'egoraptor' and so people label it as such.

Its kind of like when someone does the moonwalk.. people will say oh he's doing that michael jackson move... when in reality the moonwalk existed much before him and probably could be done 20x better than mike. But because the fame is associated with him he is tagged with it.

In the end i dont really have a problem with it. I actually hated left 4 dead as a game so i didnt love the movie but i did think the movie was better than the game.. you fight the same 4 types of enemies for the whole game.. what a boring concept.

well then thats a problem right? cus egoraptors so well known, now anything made fast and crazy is considered the work of what egoraptor would do, so then what would be the point in doing anything at all, you might as well just not do it and wait for egoraptor to put out another awesome series cartoon.

lol cus that WAS basically a tribute :) fine if its a tribute, but not if it's not intended to.

"Irod Bad" is a flash made by Ukinojoe and looks nothing like Egoraptors art style. I dont know what some people's issues are but seriously they need to get they're facts right.

ukinojoe! Thats his name. I love the guy xp and yeah they do need to get their facts right :P

whatever. it really is all the same shit.

which then generalizes as an egoraptor cartoon, which is kinda stupid considering they werent even thinking about egoraptor when doing it.

oney sucks

:O NAW... actually who am I to judge, you dont like him, fine.

Oh come on. Its not about the way its drawn its everything else. Ok its a video game parody and ok its fast. I wouldn't associate that too much with egoraptor. But its the fact that it goes to him playing the game in the same way the awesome cartoons do it. Its the fact that the voices are silly and over exagerated. Oh and its fast and a video game parody which i said i wouldn't associate with egoraptor but when you add everything else to it your copying a bit too much. Thats not a problem thought left 4 Speed was alright even though it didn't make me luagh. But it had way too much in common with the awesome cartoons for you to make a post about how its not, if i was to do a shitty version of southpark i would still be copying southpark even if my version didn't have hands.

WHY does it ALWAYS have to go to egoraptor though? Why cant it be any other parody?

They were thinking in that mind frame though. A popular style has been instigated here on NG and they're just catering to it. The problem is that they always go "Wtv man, im just doing my thing. I'm just having fun. Is that a crime?" but they can't see outside of themselves for a minute. This style is the equivalent to hollywood movies and the makers are convinced what they're doing is fresh. It's not. It's unfunny and it's usually embarrassing to watch.

true, but they probably WERE just doing their thing. People try their hardest to make movies, and make it seem the most original it is, and it usually turns out well, but there will be SOME guy who will say that it seems like what egoraptor would do, and it's not looking at the fabrics behind it, and the difference in protraying the parody.

well.. like i said i dont really have a problem with people doing ANYTHING. its your damn movie you should do what you enjoy... and make movies for YOU rather than 'fans'.

Oney is obviously having a good time and is well aware that some people will like the movie some wont. life goes on...

My only gripe/hesitation is that very naive impressionable young artists begin to think that the only way to deliver a humorous line is with the 'egoraptor' style being screamy and overly angry. Like thats the only way to stress comedy in a video game parody and or flash animation. It saturates the scene when everyone and my mother is using that same formula over and over. Thats probably the beef artists like rtil and other old schoolers have, is that as a scene people are such morons that they arent inspired by shit they figure oh this guy has success with this.. ill just copy it. hur hur hurrr.

On the other hand, if egoraptors delivery caused some lazy fucking teen to peel himself away from a game to actually make something.. be it a direct clone of ego or not then its a win and hes already gotten that much better at flash in general..

its all in the way you look at it really... i think peoples negative response is not so much a diss on Oney as it is on the saturation of the scene right now. Newgrounds is a very video game obsessed audience (wether thats a good thing or not who knows)and so its not so much that everyone is doing vg parodies but everyone is doing them with the same delivery method as the guy who's had the most success it does get boring to a viewer and so thats where the gripe comes in.

I dunno maybe im way off but thats what i was thinkin right now

true, true. I just wonder why they HAVE to compare it to THAT. and not something else. Maybe I'm off a lot too, I just say what I see really, and all Im seeing is VG parodies comared to a huge icon, it should just be let off as an original parody, There's no other way you can actually portray another style of VG parody, it's really the onlyeasy way to make a parody, which is why I hate it when people start catagorizing, and not forseeing the difference.

Oh jeez, that Left 4 Speed was so unfunny. I wanted to like it, but every joke was just kind of plain and boring and predictable.

It's not even just because it's a game parody. I like when people make fun of games, but for Christ sake guys, there are other ways to do it. More people should make games that are game parodies, I'm like the only guy.

I liked left 4 speed, however this isnt what Im trying to say, it's just one the many examples of what people usually think of when watching the movie. there was no indication that it seemed like what egoraptor would do. fast paced, yeah, but not like egoraptor, now HE'S doing it the right way.

They say "egoraptor rip off"
they ARE telling the truth,
cuz it LOOKS LIKE he is trying to copy the style,

since he strarted that "type" of cartoons
everything looking like that
will be stereotyped
for ever and ever
as "egoraptor rip off"

They both suck lately, though.

yeah, and THATS the problem with newgrounds now. very stereotyped, which is what Im saying, and maybe its not even JUSt the awesome series, maybe it's a wide variety of stuff. I mean egoraptor does get compared to family guy a lot, and that pisses him off, the same way when people make a cartoon and they get accused of what seems like egoraptor.

Why is it called "Left 4 Speed" anyway?

I dunno, but Im prosuming its because it IS fast xP

I applaud your efforts to point out the different visual merits of the "two" styles, but you miss the part about the over the top voice acting where everyone sounds constapated, the exasperated facial expressions, and the similar way in which the characters move and are moved. The timing for both also feel very, very similar.

Thematically, it's a reference cartoon that requires an understanding of the source material in order to find it funny, as are most of the cartoons in the AWESOME series. I had a hard time following what the heck was going on because I've never played the games, but then again I'm not the target audience as I've never played Left 4 Dead.

In the end, ANY cartoon that comes out on Newgrounds that depicts video game characters in such an over the top fashion is GOING to be compared to Ego because he was there first.

exactly, which is what people need to get a grip of, they NEED to stop comparing to other people xP.

OHSHIT I just realised what we're talking about.

This totally IS an Egoraptor cartoon. I mean come on. Jeez.

no its not :)

People are idiots, lol. That's about it. There are people who plague ng with idiocracy(?), like: Zero Bombers, "Awesome Flaggers", and Kitty Krew. We can only have one nuke....so we might as well use it on ourselves! Kaplowawow! "What the fuck? This was all just an awesome series joke?!"

exactly xP

i admit it is similiar in a way, but its not true to ego's style, therefore, its not an awesome vid.

the main thing is, tho, Oney and ego draw the same way, with the same thickness, and smoothing for this one, so it looks more like ego's work since he has it featured more often.

you see the comparions picture below the thread, does that seem the same, I dont think so xP

and yeah the first part you said was true. it's not like egoraptor, which is what Im saying, people should start viewing it in a VERY different way than other peoples work, just make it out to be like a different parody.

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