Hey people! well after recieving much reputation and respect from Facebook Reality (that REALLY wasn't expected guys, seriously, thanks a fucking load :P) I have come to the conclusion that I must animate more after recieving countless emails saying "MAKE MORE!"
some people saying newgrounds, some myspace, some youtube, but no one said monopoly, and that has shit loads of flaws in its game (none the less its a really fun game!)
so I have decided to create "Monopoly Reality" this cartoon should be done in at least two days, so keep an eye out for it in the flash portal. here's a little snap shot of what it will look like!
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
PS: by the way if you haven't checked out Facebook Reality, go check out this link: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
PSS: READ THIS!! ok, for those who are telling me that i shouldn't do more after this, don't bother i already know! This isn't going to be a big feck off series, this is only going to be three episodes, and then that's it, it's not going on any further. There's no need to come out with "YOU MADE A PENIS JOKE YOU THINK IT'S SO FUNNY! THIS IS TASTELESS, YOU SHOULD DIE" which is generally not the best thing to say as it's only a cartoon, there's no reason i should die over it, that's just over reacting to the max, making you immature, and hipocritical. I just want people to know that before you post stuff like "I hope this isn't going to be the same tasteless shit, and that this is going to be another over rated piece of crap" because I understand, I am not intending to make this a huge series, because at least I understand what might very well happen if this does... for example lots of internet drama, commosion, hate mail, etc. and it'll just show my image as "just wasting a shit load of free time on shit" guy. so yeah please just bear that in mind before you post. thanks.