Let's Player, Animator, Voice Actor, Script Writer, Musician, Local Baker, Priest, Fireman Sam.... Nuff said ;)

Will Ryan @DAGamesOfficial

Age 32, Male

Animator / Designer

Solihull (UK)

Joined on 2/1/06

Exp Points:
1,570 / 1,600
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Vote Power:
5.45 votes
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B/P Bonus:
6y 8m 23d

DAGamesOfficial's News

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - January 22nd, 2009

hey people. I havent posted anything to newgrounds in a loooong tine, so I better bring it out.

I have decided to quit animating for now. and this is definate, Im not going to do what I did last time where I said I quit but carried on animating, no this is real. everytime I draw it's the same thing, and I can never think of ANYTHING. and when I think of a good idea, it's good for 5 seconds, but then I don't wanna do it anymore. I'm sure many of you have also had this problem, and it's fucking insane. I REALLY want to get working on ComiX, but again I have an idea, then it goes away, I don't know if it's the area I'm working in or if I'm feeling comfertable with animating, but I definately don't feel comfertable animating anymore. I don't know what's going to happen , but it's probably going to be a VERY long break.

However, if there is an oppertunity for a collab to join, then I'll join, such as the street fighters collab, I want to make something for that. That might be the last cartoon I will do in a LONG time, but we'll see. It'll probably mean coming back in 2010, may not, only the future can tell.

But, this gives me a chance to work on my band. in the time I haven't been around newgrounds, I've been recording songs for our band. you can check some of the new stuff at http://www.myspace.com/colonyofficial and enjoy :D The albu is almost finished, and really to be sold on the internet (yeah we're not that big) and in schools. The album is called "The Sky" and should include 10 songs :P

Anyway, animation wise, no more until a loong time, unless I finally think of an idea and get back to it.

but, voice acting is now open! Seen as though I'm not animating for a long time, I might as well do what I did quite a while back, do voices for people. I have had many requests, and I still need to do a lot of voices for people, but Im ready to do voices for anybody :P just PM me or add me on MSN at diamond-armada@hotmail.co.uk or skype: diamond-armada :)

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Im done for now

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - December 23rd, 2008

Hey everyone! Just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas from Diamond Armada. Got a few things to update one!

Seen as though it's christmas I made a cartoon and submitted it onto newgrounds! check it out here:


so yeah, hope you enjoy the flash.

Also, I have a new video on youtube! Go check it out :D this was a present given to me by my friend lacryamosa (or Chris Simpson, we've been friends since infants school) and in thankfulness I posted it on youtube for people to see. so yeah there is is :D

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Also, my little brother and his friend decided to make pictures of each other, and ask me to animate them in a funny way, so here's the video for that as well xP

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so yeah, that's all I ca update on for now, so again have a merry christmas!

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Merry Christmas guys!

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - December 14th, 2008

Hey everyone! I'm back with a few updates!

First of all, Merry christmas to you guys out there. the new christmas cartoons are a real result in how good newgrounds can be, and I think it'll be a close decision with this competition, so good luck to all of oyu

Secondly, I am making two new cartoons. One which is named "Left 2 die". this is a Left 4 Dead spoof, so nothing TOO special. hopefully if I get this done, I can swiftly move onto a Christmas cartoon, which is my second cartoon. this cartoon will be presented as an advent calender, so each little box has a little random cartoon :D

Thirdly, youtube! Thought I'd give you a couple of videos I uploaded onto youtube recently. One is a song uploaded onto newgrounds "Barnicle Bill The Sailor" Remake, and one featuring my good friend, Chris Simpson :D

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Below is a pictyre of a bit off of my new left 4 dead cartoon!

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Some more updates!

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - December 6th, 2008

Hey everyone! Thought I'd let the word out that I posted a new cartoon up quite a bit ago, you can check it out here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
Vote 5, and Let's try and get it an award!

Also, a new cartoon will be coming up shortly. "Is That... Pacman?!" is in the making, and hopefully should be out within a week. so check out that soon!

Finally, ComiX christmas is a possibility, depends on how much time I've got left, and if I can think of any ideas in which I don't turn lazy half way through and end up shortening it out. but yeah, ComiX christmas is a POSSIBILITY, not a definate yes.

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan

New Cartoon and New cartoon coming!

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - November 28th, 2008

Hey everyone! Will here with another update time!

First off, I'd like to say that animating is back up and running for me, I've been sort of doing college work, so I've been very busy. but now I am animating again, and there are several animations I'm eager to start.

Which bring me on to the first. I am scrapping "flawrence" for now until my skills get better, but I've started work on a new series called "Is that..." which basically involves parodying game characters, movies, and celebs, with rude conversations (basically it's like what they would be if they were a wreck) and starting off the series we have Mario and Luigi. a picture of the mario model can be found at the bottom of this page! this seems like something I'd like to do :D so now I have "ComiX", "Randomonium", "One Upon A What?!" and "Is That..." and hopefully I can get back up and running with "N.H.I.H" (jesus I haven't animated and thought about them in AGES, I doubt I can do the voices, but I can try :D) so I cant wait for all to come into action!

Thirdly, I've gotten through the first round of Britain's got talent. before commenting, it wasn't the judges this time, this was a judge which sees how good or bad you are, and I had an absolutely brilliant response! so I will be back in March, and hopefully I will be on TV :D I didn't do comedy, it was my own song :D yeah I do have other talents xP so yeah I thought I'd bring it up since some of you might have been wondering about it.

Fourthly, ComiX Movie! This is something I hope to do once the first series is done (10 episodes) and I have plenty of ideas for it! so look forward to that... it'll take a LONG time before it's up, but I want this to be done! This will consist of 10 minute parts posted daily, and should hopefully come up to either half an hour or an hour (probably half an hour, because usually I cannot be buggered a lot of the time!)

Fifthly, Voice acting! Now, I haven't received MANY voice requests, however I will be in the next Re-undead episode(s) casting as a new character called Seth, created by k111, go check out his stuff at k111.newgrounds.com :D and I've featured in paperbats new game "Tank Search" I suggest play it, your eyes will hurt! That's paperbat.newgrounds.com Im sure I've done more, but those are the only 2 I can remember, but if any of you can remind me, then that would be appreciated!

Sixthly, My good friend Alex Mercer (redxb2 on youtube) has made an incredible rant on "Hotel Dusk" (rented it, has tons of flaws and makes no sense, good for those who don't give a damn) there's the youtube video! I was there in the background, trying not to laugh, and I did well, considering I shit myself afterwards :O

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Seventhly, Hope you guys have a great f***in christmas! It's a bit early to say that, but screw it, you guys deserve a good one. we won't be having a spectacular christmas. my parents are divorced you see, so we're heading over to my dads flat for christmas dinner and opening a few things, I open less because I already got my big present (Epiphone SG guitar, bloody brilliant!) but none the less, it's christmas, so it will bound to be great, so I hope you guys have a good christmas as well!

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Update Time Again!

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - November 17th, 2008

Hey everyone! I'm back with more shit to update you all on.

First off, I'm planning out a new series! This series will weirdly be called "Flawrence". now, Flawrence is stupid, but he's also bored a lot of the time, so he decides to go out and solve mysterys a lot of the time, and it really doesn't end well for him, as the things he say are stupid. The picture of Flawrence and possible title sequence preview is at the bottom of this page :D

Secondly, I am to audition for a famous TV show "Britain's Got Talent". If you live in america, there will be a youtube video on the internet hopefully, but if you live in britain, you maybe seeing me on TV auditioning! One thing I have to ask is, should I do comedy, or music? I signed up for both, but you can only choose one, so I'm not sure what I'm doing yet! But if any of you can give me advice, then let me know please, zwanking y00 :D

Thirdly, A completely random cartoon is in the making. yeah I kinda recorded myself singing random shit (that isn't how I actually sing by the way!) and I'm just gonna put a cartoon together. I don't HOPE for it to get a great score, but it's something I thought I'd try out xP so yeah expect that soon

Fourthly, ComiX! Yes, there WILL be a christmas episode of ComiX, I should hopefully be starting it on December, as for now I've got big projects to do and I've gotta appear at britain's got talent audition on november 25th, so the episode will be delayed for now, but you WILL get one! Oh and also, a couple of guys I know have decided that they want to do a ComiX tribute! Well I feel honored by that. so watch out for it when it comes out :D

Fithly, the game is sadly ending. Yes, I have been side tracked with so much other shit that I now don't feel in the mood for making a game, seen as though my other ones kind of failed. So, sorry if you were expecting it, but I just don't wanna do it! xP

Sixthly, I posted a random cartoon not too long ago. it did pretty well to say the least, so please go check it out and vote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Seventhly, I got a new guitar! Yeah I've been waiting for one for ages, and now I have one. it be an Epiphone SG, and it is a beauty! go check on google and find the black version, that's mine :D

Eighthly, just another quick reminder about my band! Go check us out at http://www.myspace.com/colonyofficial we used to be named Land of Hell, but because of bitchers, we've decided to change our name to Colony! oh and there's my solo project http://www.myspace.com/epicaltrance

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

PS: where's the butter...

Planning new series, and much more!

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - November 12th, 2008

Hey everyone! If you live in the UK, you may know of a show called britains got talent... WELL I'M GONNA BE AUDITIONING SOON!!! Yeah, I could very well be on TV in the future! However there's a question I wanna ask...

Should I sing, or should I do comedy. cus I can do quite a lot of both, you've seen my cartoons, and you've probably also heard my songs with imagination, so I'm kind of having a hard time thinking of what to do. out of both of them.

What do you guys think?


Posted by DAGamesOfficial - November 3rd, 2008

Hey everyone! Ok, got a lot to update on once again!

firstly, ComiX. I released a new Halloween cartoon of ComiX about a week ago! Go check it out here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

*EDIT* ok, here i go again with the stupid "I phrased it wrong" scenario. Jesus christ why does it always have to be like this. I keep phrasing stuff wrong, then people take the piss. Im sorry people, but I am a pathetic asshole, ok? jesus christ, ok I 'll admit what I said was wrong about the score, ok? I am stupid, Im fucking DUMB. just some people wudn't notice somebody who dusnt realise a lot cus of his 20% of autism. I am an idiot, and you can fucking Pm me bady for all I care, cus right now I'm pissed off >_< *EDIT*

Secondly, A new game is in the making! This game is called "Dark Destiny" and basically evolves around an innocent male / female (you decide) by the name of "you decide what their name is" who has been captured and been put into a dungeon, where souls are fed to a dragon which (with enough souls) could destroy the entire world. luckily you have the power of "YOU DECIDE OUT OF WHAT THREE POWERS THERE IS TO CHOOSE FROM!" and depending on that power, you use them to get your way out of the dungeon, and make it to your home. little do you know but strange things have been happening whilst you've gone, and it's up to you to restore the world to it's harmony which it had. I WAS gonna add the feature of letting you choose your own voice, but I don't know how to do that so could somebody please help me out with that, so i can add that feature in "Dark destiny 2" if it ever happens! I have one coder with me "Davidzx" and the second coder is unknown yet as we havent chosen that yet, but if you get chosen, you will be co-authored, credited, and if we get any money from this, it all gets split up between us :D I need a coder who can do a pokemon / zelda interface (where you move up down left or right) and I need somebody who can do a good final fantasy style battle interface, so if you're good at that, PM me your demo, or add me on MSN at diamondarmada2008@hotmail.com or on skype: diamond-armada :D

ok, thirdly, Youtube videos :D I have been putting up quite a few youtube vids onto youtube, one is not my own creation, I just made a video with the song in, and the others are my own :D you can check them out at the bottom of this page!

Fourthly, my website is being modified again! Yeah people keep telling me "I THOUGHT YOU QUIT FLASH!!!" technically I was lying, but come on, this is why I say "KEEP UPDATED!" so people keep UPDATED on what's going on (even if its on a different website like this website). but yeah anyway it's getting a new design, and should be pretty decent :P

Fithly, my band! Well, we were tired of calling ourselves "Land of Hell" so we thought of something simpler with more meaning, "Colony". Meaning a colony of fans, a colony of music, a colony of albums, a colony of succession, etc. Our first album is now named "Devilution" and will probably be out in summer 2009. to check out our myspace, go to http://www.myspace.com/colonyofficial now!

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan

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Posted by DAGamesOfficial - November 2nd, 2008

Hey all, ok, I'm taking a break from animating, to make a game series!

this game is called "Dark Destiny" and basically evolves around an innocent male / female (you decide) by the name of "you decide what their name is" (oh you can decide the voice that they have) who has been captured and been put into a dungeon, where souls are fed to a dragon which (with enough souls) could destroy the entire world. luckily you have the power of "YOU DECIDE OUT OF WHAT THREE POWERS THERE IS TO CHOOSE FROM!" and depending on that power, you use them to get your way out of the dungeon, and make it to your home. little do you know but strange things have been happening whilst you've gone, and it's up to you to restore the world to it's harmony which it had.

The problem is I don't know a lot of action script, so I need serious help with programming. does anybody know a lot about action script, so they can help me out. it would be greatly appreciated, and you will be co-authored, and whatever money is earned from this, we split half :D HELP WOULD BE VERY APPRECIATED, THANK YOU!

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

Posted by DAGamesOfficial - October 19th, 2008

Hey everyone! Will Ryan here, updating more on what I'm up to lately, and what I've seen.

First off, ComiX. Sadly I don't think this halloween I will be able to finish my cartoon. because of college and other let backs I haven't been able to finish this cartoon, so I'm not sure whether to incorporate the flash so far, into the christmas version, or just keep carrying on until It gets near to the deadline and what I've got I can contrast into the ending bit of the script. Either way, there should be a new cartoon coming up soon. which I shall talk about now.

Secondly, the next cartoon :D If not the halloween cartoon, this one will be the next. I am hoping to gather up some random cartoons I've done in the past, and put in a load of new ones. this is mostly because I was bored, but it will be something to show kirbopher and rina-chan to enter in the brawl taunts collab audition stuffz, so yeah I just thought I'd express my shear random animating techniques and produce it into a random flash cartoon. I will be calling this "Randemonium" so expect it to come out soon :D

Thirdly, Saints Row 2. Now, many of you are saying this looks like one awesome game, and many of you are saying it will be a bad game... it's out... we've played it... it kicks ass! Trust me, so much better than the first. what a great thing they've done with it is that you get to choose your taunt, you get to choose from TONS of clothes and facial expressions and physical looks, you get to choose our own VOICE, and you have certain walks that you can choose from as well, and that goes into the game, which is fantastic! Another good thing they've improved on are the radio stations, and graphics. I was happily exploding things with my car whilst listening to either avenged sevenfold or lamb of god, and was fucking amazing! So I suggest try it out for yourself, you will love it!

Fourthly, Voice acting will have to be put on hold for a period of time, as my microphone is broken! Yes, my microphone got it's last input, then decided to pack in. I have a completely new one, top of the range condenser mic and is fucking brilliant, but turns out I need to get a new XLR cable to match the microphone. So voice acting is put on hold for a bit, unless you want worse quality, but still rather good, microphone quality, but you just wait till my new microphone is plugged in and ready to record!

Fifthly, I decided to post a bit of what I've got so far with the halloween cartoon, onto youtube, you can check it out on the bottom of this page.

Finally, I thought I'd also show you gordon's new face and on going joke!

Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o

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Brawl Taunts, ComiX, Saints row 2 and a bit more...