Hey guys! Ok, I have been caught up with exams altely, but that has stopped! I have now got a lot of free time on my hands, so I am back with animating.
Anyway, I will be making a new series along side ComiX called "Maximus!" Now, Maximus is basically about this guy who thinks he's evil and tries to do all these big great evil deeds, but always instead does some good deeds, messes up on some occasions or just crys in front of people. Each episode will be based on his life and will be a series of shorts, basically meaning these episodes will be short, but that's only because there's not really that much to talk about in these episodes. So if I ever do make a ComiX DVD, along side that DVD will be 2 other CDS, and extras CD and the Maximus series!
ComiX wise I am starting to get back into animating the third episode again. I have lost my writers block ever since I thoguht of Maximus, so I've gotten back to animating ComiX again. I think that I will do is I will add an episode of ComiX onto newgrounds and then after that a Maximus episode and then another ComiX episode etc. So ye expect some decent progress and a decent episode of ComiX Episode Three! Below this news thread is a little screen shot of how far I've gotten. Ya gotta love his face!
Now, About my solo band! I have pretty much almost finished the last song to go along the solo album, and then I will be releasing it... well... that's the thing... I don't know how to publish such a record. So if you guys could give me some suggestions on how I can go on with doing this? But in the meantime if you live locally in Leeds, or anywere in the UK, look out for tour dates for Epical Trance. Keep checking up on http://www.myspace.com/epicaltrance for tour dates. I might be doing a lot of tours during the 3 months of awesomeness of no school forever time, so ye look forward to some awesomeness there :)
next off, I am hosting a collab! check out the info here! We need more people in this collab, seriously! lol: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/90 8712/1
Finally, some of you may of heard about rina-chan's newest interview experience. yep, me and knoxfan25 have made a new episode in our podcast series called "this and that with chris and will" in which rina-chan has been interviewed. we asked people on a forum website if they have any questions, and surprisingly, a lof of the were really imaature, rude and darn right wrong, so shame on you... but having said that there were some SENSIBLE questions so we used them and we managed to build up the 30 mins we have on each episode. anyway, you can check out the series on http://www.thisandthat.tk and we amanaged to make an itunes podcast, so if ya wanna check it out, go to http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZS tore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=281010473 now :)
But we want an answer from ya... who would yu like to be intreviewed next? we have a list here:
CZ-Backlash (Red ranger on Parody Rangers)
Kirbopher15 (Creator of Parody rangers)
Tomamoto (voice actor, creator of Avatar Boredum Dub)
Egoraptor (Awesome guy!)
Rubberninja (Creator of Gamer Tonight)
David Firth (Fat-Pie)
so which one would YOU want to be interviewed next?
But ALSO, are you famous? are you a talented voice actor animator and is known a lot? do you want to be interviewed. if so contact us on our SKYPE accounts: diamond-armada or christopher.john.dell.isola.ii and tell us on there. if you don't have a skype account, GET ONE NOW! GO TO http://www.skype.com and make one, so we can interview you through that!
Well I guess that's all we can really say for now, but keep up with updates on what we're doing :D
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o